!Audio First Advertising

Smartphones have become the PLACE WHERE WE LIVE. They have an increasingly important role in our lives and are essential in connecting millions of people with work, friends and the rest of the world!


  • Podcast listeners listen to an average of 7 different shows per week
  • 68 million people listen to podcasts weekly
  • 16 million people in the US are “avid podcast fans”

Our team is led by a pioneer of audio on the web so we know the importance of audio connections.  You can trust us when we say we’ll provide a full-service production and effective audio-first advertising campaign strategy.

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The Things We Can Do For You

podcast-oh the places you'll go-pexels-flo-dahm

ABC CPA & Booking.com

Life As A  Priority


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podcast - cover -sleep-minnie-zhou-0hiUWSi7jvs-unsplash


RELAX & LISTEN to a bedtime story.


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